"Last day of February went well 'cause I got a ten out of twenty-eight moments with somebody and a line-of-nine score in my comprehensive exam thanks to open references. After the meeting regarding our major field trip outside the country, my excitement level is still undecided. Few days away..."
Thursday, February 28, 2013
2013: Page 59 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 11:30 PM | 2013, comprehensiveexam, february, fieldtrip, meeting, moments, neutral, opennotes, pagenof365series, passingmark, personal, singapore, stiutk
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
2013: Page 58 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 10:45 PM | 2013, capstone, comprehensiveexam, february, letsdance, mockdefense, overnight, pagenof365series, paperworks, personal, statisticsoverload, survey, surveyanalysis, testcases, xboxkinect
"Statistics overload from the paper works analyzation earlier. Also, we had this crazy dance time with the Kinect to shake up our sleepy bodies, thinking that the mock defense will not be happening today...and it was. Comprehensive exam again tomorrow, yet I'm busy doing another survey form..."
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
2013: Page 57 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 11:30 PM | 2013, charger, february, forgotsomething, longweekend, overnight, pagenof365series, personal, stiutk, stupidme, survey, testcases
"Back-to-school again with a task of conducting another survey...this time it's manual and for mobile game testing of our capstone project. After a day, we talked again after I guess a week? First overnight of the year, and I'm so stupid I forgot one of the important things: my laptop's charger..."
Monday, February 25, 2013
2013: Page 56 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 11:45 PM | 2013, capstone, docu, february, lastmonth, moments, pagenof365series, personal, plagiarismissues, sad, sucks, task, twentyfive
"This day on a second month of the year sucks because of the holiday (for us students). I guess I have to deal with the last month's encounter-on-a-twenty-fifth-day moments we had shared. Revising all capstone documentation chapters to avoid plagiarism issues. That's my self-assigned task, anyway..."
Sunday, February 24, 2013
2013: Page 55 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 11:15 PM | 2013, boringsunday, capstone, expectationsfail, february, fieldtrip, moviemarathon, pagenof365series, personal, procrastination, researchmode, singapore, theperksofbeingawallflower
"Typical boring Sunday today. I tried to be productive in our capstone progress, I don't know what to accomplish just yet. Did a little research for our upcoming major field trip and as a result, my excitement was not that high anymore. Finishing this day with watching the Perks movie again..."
Saturday, February 23, 2013
2013: Page 54 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 11:15 PM | 2013, bheshiesplusplus, capstone, exhaustingday, facebookchat, february, intense, nosleepingtime, pagenof365series, personal, secondprototype, tgis, threeliner
"After almost a month, a three-liner conversation happened again that ended with a single letter. A very exhausted day for me today though because of lack of sleep and another demo of something intense. Second prototype: check! Thank-God-it's-Saturday get-along with friends and company..."
Friday, February 22, 2013
2013: Page 53 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 10:15 PM | 2013, accident, backtonormal, capstone, casestudy, ethics, february, friends, games, nosleepingtime, overnight, pagenof365series, personal, puloroadadventure, wordmatrix
"Happy because it's back to normal again. Case study presentation day with a class-participation setup and 'twas good. A bloody accident happened during the Pulo road 'adventures'. And for the nth time, our overnight was nixed. Oh well, no sleeping this time. Word Matrix: must be accomplished..."
Thursday, February 21, 2013
2013: Page 52 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 11:45 PM | 2013, adjustments, bheshies, capstone, deadlines, february, fixer, fullofdrama, gloomyday, issues, pagenof365series, personal, pressure
"Feeling the pressure of our capstone course in terms of deadlines, and I can't do anything just yet. Plus a gloomy-turned-storm-like day with unfixed issues with my Bheshies friends, opposite this time. Hoping for a 'we're friends again' tomorrow. I'm tired of this adjustment, so much drama..."
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
"To relive what I was used to be addicted to which is 'em-pee', I listened to their duet of their movie's theme song. As for school, I tried to fix a fight, but cool down time is the option. Just like the last three chapters from our capstone paper. Round two of round two, this time with an exotic twist..."
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
"An accident Facebook stalking time on the most hated person whom I haven't met personally made me sick. I just really, really hate that one. Anyway, a tantrum prank led to an unexpected and a real one of our friend, which I wish will be gone very soon. Arroz caldo plan went to a second round..."
Monday, February 18, 2013
2013: Page 49 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 10:15 PM | 2013, brunocousins, cisco, confusedfeelings, ethics, february, handsonpractical, magicshow, pagenof365series, personal, quiz, relationshipissues, smile
"Magic show with my cousins as they were back in the house which costed me to have lessen time to study for graded activities...and the results were so-so. Another thing that bothers me the past days: a true friend of mine was linking me to someone which I always reply with a smile. I'm confused..."
Sunday, February 17, 2013
2013: Page 48 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 10:45 PM | 2013, catallergy, cover, february, homealone, intense, pagenof365series, personal, playingguitar, poorme, singermodeon, sleep, starcity
"The day I assured that sleep is the most important thing for now. Stuck at home (no cousins' bonding) because I had no money and was sick due to being allergic to cat furs. I did something intense that I haven't done for almost a year and tried to record my covers, this time with guitar..."
2013: Page 47 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 12:15 AM | 2013, edren, february, fieldtrip, jffc, kambal, levs, moa, pagenof365series, personal, tokyotokyo, turnoverevents, unexpected, workshop
"A one-of-the-field-trip-requirement workshop brought me a lot of unexpected events today. My 'twin' and I were finally in good terms now; I'm happy for it. A surprise visit from my cousin made my brother and I strolled around the biggest mall just to search for a place to dine in. Turnover..."
Saturday, February 16, 2013
2013: Page 46 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 12:15 AM | 2013, doubts, february, geca, jamie, jamming, jffc, malayanzombieinvasion, pagenof365series, personal, playingguitar, stiutk, thoughts
"Jamming day with my newly close friends while watching a zombie-themed survival game. I got a chance to showcase my talent on playing guitar and singing old songs with them. Thoughts coming in my head: Will all of my efforts be paid off by somebody tomorrow? I don't wanna know..."
Thursday, February 14, 2013
2013: Page 45 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 11:00 PM | 2013, bestdayyet, bittersweet, comprehensiveexam, donut, dream, february, geca, letter, pagenof365series, personal, phonecall, stiutk, valentinegifts, valentinesday
"Valentine's Day and I can say it was the best one yet. Woke up in the morning with a dream talking sweetly with somebody through phone which I thought was real. Bittersweet feeling. I failed the exam again, yet I'm still glad because I got a heart-shaped doughnut and a letter from a true friend..."
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
2013: Page 44 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 9:30 PM | 2013, adjustments, comprehensiveexam, february, glee, hungup, lss, pagenof365series, personal, related, review, sad, softeng
"I tried to study early for tomorrow's comprehensive exam but my mind said no. Okay, now I have lots of SAD and SoftEng handouts to review-slash-scan-slash-ignore. I did 'adjustments' again as I went home. Attached to a song covered by Glee with repetitive intro lyrics 'Time goes by so slowly...'"
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
2013: Page 43 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 10:45 PM | 2013, capstone, comprehensiveexam, copeup, designermode, february, heartburn, pagenof365series, personal, sad, softeng, wordmatrix
"Designer mode on! That's right, design revision for our mobile project Word Matrix and I think the outputs suck and not that good enough. Heart burn's attacking me and I still haven't visited a doctor yet. Third comprehensive examination is approaching, and I need to get better than eighty-three..."
Monday, February 11, 2013
2013: Page 42 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 11:45 PM | 2013, capstone, casestudy, cisco, ethics, february, longexam, mcl, moments, pagenof365series, personal, pt, smile, stiutk, surveyanalysis, unexpected, valentinesday
"Spending the early time analyzing the survey results for our capstone thing, without thinking I have priorities in two of my courses for today. I managed them with a smile as I had a crossing-of-paths-with-a-smile moments with somebody three times! Too early for Valentine's Day... "
2013: Page 41 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 12:00 AM | 2013, capstone, casestudy, cisco, docu, ethics, exams, february, hallucination, mcl, midterm, pagenof365series, personal, procrastination
"I had a lot of time that was killed due to my procrastination habits and I hadn't realized that it's already the middle of the term. And tons of work to do for tomorrow's school's academic-related activities. Sucks I'm not so well right now, feeling like I'm going to hallucinate any second..."
Saturday, February 9, 2013
2013: Page 40 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 10:30 PM | 2013, cryingtime, dream, emvimode, facebookpictures, february, mindset, pagenof365series, personal, stiutk, stress, sweetmoments
"Started the early Saturday morning walking in the street with no people around: music video time! All stressful thoughts was relieved due to shedding of tears and a sweet dream with somebody was just a tale. Mindset: trusted friends over others. My 'niece' is very, very cute on those photos..."
2013: Page 39 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 1:15 AM | 2013, blessings, doorsandrooms, february, heartburn, jamie, mrmsmalayan, pagenof365series, personal, puzzle
"I broke my deal of not going to the pageant lately, but I enjoyed it though...and helped a friend in finishing solving a mystery. Proudly saying I'm so blessed today because I got treated by two people I'd been jokingly linking with. Heartburn these past few days, it's killing me softly. Check-up time..."
Thursday, February 7, 2013
2013: Page 38 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 9:30 PM | 2013, askfm, february, friends, inbetween, issues, misunderstandings, mrmsmalayan, pagenof365series, personal
"'I'm in between' is the word to describe the day as I tried to fix some issues among my friends who had misunderstandings with one another. We'll see in the next few days, hopefully tomorrow. Finally decided not to watch tomorrow for some reasons. By the way, I made a dummy ask.fm account..."
2013: Page 37 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 12:30 AM | 2013, celebration, changeofmind, familybonding, february, graduation, levs, longtrip, pagenof365series, personal, relatives, trinoma
"Missed my younger brother's graduation rites (that's right, he's the first one to graduate) due to school...but didn't miss the celebration. I just hate the fact that their changing of minds led me to travel from school to North Avenue. Good to see my relatives, wishing they're coming at mine, too..."
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
2013: Page 36 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 8:30 PM | 2013, absent, appointment, badet, erika, experience, february, firsttime, justice, lessonlearned, moa, pagenof365series, passport, personal, scam, upsanddowns
"Full of ups-and-downs all day especially the passport appointment thing. A lot of lessons from the experiences earlier to keep, though...and a lot of firsts, too. The first time I didn't go to school this term, I missed a pop quiz. Now, I already felt what the word 'scam' offers. We want justice..."
Monday, February 4, 2013
2013: Page 35 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 10:15 PM | 2013, academics, appointment, cisco, emotionallydown, ethics, february, pagenof365series, passport, personal, practical, quiz
"The good effect of my emotionally-down day was I did well at academics. Got a score of my favorite number in our Ethics quiz and for the first time got the actual practical exam in Cisco perfectly right. Anyway the reason for it was something to do with my passport appointment tomorrow..."
Sunday, February 3, 2013
2013: Page 34 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 10:30 PM | 2013, adjustments, athousandyears, budget, familybonding, february, fruitninja, levs, lovelife, mama, pagenof365series, personal, sunday, vien
"I stayed up late again and listened to this new song which I can relate my life in terms of love. This is one of the Sundays that I consider as 'family day' as my mom (who's super addicted with the Fruit Ninja app) and my siblings bonded all day. I suck at budgeting, too. Adjusting myself this week..."
2013: Page 33 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 12:15 AM | 2013, change, february, geca, issues, jamie, lessonlearned, pagenof365series, personal, relief, secrets, trustissues
"A lot of lessons for me today as a part of my 'change' assignment. Learned how to stand up and say what I truly feel to others and not just to remain quiet and keep it; Also overcame my pistanthrophobic issues thanks to two of my friends who I can say can be trusted. Finally, a relief..."
Friday, February 1, 2013
2013: Page 32 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 11:00 PM | 2013, february, fingerstache, geca, multiply, pagenof365series, participate, personal, stalkermode, stiutk
"Started the new month with a stalking the early morning that gave me a regretful, discomforting feeling. To forget that one, I tried to 'participate' again. Change. And I did the fingerstache thing and had a photo with a friend (affix Japanese term '-chan') which I consider as the best part of my day..."
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