"Another Halloween task to do: finish up decorating our cubicle...and really did enjoy spending hours for it. Today's main event: the townhall! It's like we were the only project that was throwing a party. Secured bay's scary. The newbies performed a short song; everyone enjoyed. Best day at work, yet..."
Thursday, October 31, 2013
2013: Page 304 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 11:45 PM | 2013, accenture, bestdayyet, decorations, enjoyed, firstproject, halloween, insidiouschapter331, mainevent, newbie, october, pagenof365series, performance, personal, pricetag, scary, todolist, townhall
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
2013: Page 303 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 10:45 PM | 2013, approval, arts, cbts, centerbench, decorations, effectivecommunication, firstproject, gala, garbagebagghosts, halloween, imdead, october, pagenof365series, personal, preparation, sick, stiffedneck, training, von
"Not feeling well today due to my stiffed neck problem. I had a task to be done for Halloween: create ghosts with the use of plastic bags as cubicle decorations. Less CBTs, much more 'gala' time. Training enrolled in bench still on; getting my lead's approval. A lot of preps to do for tomorrow. I'm dead..."
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
2013: Page 302 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 11:00 PM | 2013, accenture, cancelled, cbts, confidence, halloween, leadvocal, october, pagenof365series, performance, personal, practice, preparation, thewalkingdead, trafficfree, tuesdayhabit, usher
"Tuesday habit: The Walking Dead first before heading to work. No traffic! CBTs forever. Helped my co-project mates to do some prep on the Halloween celebration. Suppose-to-be usher cancelled; bad news: still performing. Started our practice though, and I'm the lead vocals. Confidence, please..."
Monday, October 28, 2013
2013: Page 301 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 11:45 PM | 2013, accenture, earlybird, electiveholiday, hellomonday, longtrip, mdcaccount, notranspo, october, pacita, pagenof365series, personal, regrets, sleepy, token, trafficfree, whitecollar
"Another Philippine holiday again this month and yet I still went to work. I was beyond early because of the traffic-free trip. Watching a White Collar episode while doing my tasks. Sleepy the whole day; MDC and token given today. Super long trip heading home; regretted going to work on a holiday..."
Sunday, October 27, 2013
2013: Page 300 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 11:45 PM | 2013, homebound, insomniaalert, latenight, laundry, nightshift, notmything, october, pagenof365series, personal, practice, productiveday, random, saturdaychores, theoriginals, tvd, tvseriesmarathon, wokeuplate
"I don't know but I stayed late at night and slept at around 3AM today. I guess my body is practicing for graveyard shift. Aftermath? I woke up at noon; not really my thing. All my supposedly-Saturday tasks such as laundry and series marathon was accomplished today, productive Sunday at home..."
2013: Page 299 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 12:00 AM | 2013, asianhospital, blessed, catchup, cathedralofpraise, concert, familybonding, goodtobeback, kennyrogers, kutless, latelunch, levs, longsleep, mama, october, ontime, pagenof365series, personal, rushed
"I really did catch up with my sleep today, got up from bed at almost noon. Decided to join my mom and my brother in their hospital visit; had our late heavy lunch date after. Afterwards, rushed myself to be in a concert and made it exactly on-time; it's really good to be back in COP again! Blessed..."
Saturday, October 26, 2013
2013: Page 298 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 12:45 AM | 2013, bodypain, cdp, charliebatch, dinnerdate, dymp, firsttime, gym, inspiration, lackofsleep, october, pagenof365series, personal, phonewallpaper, teamcomplete, tentwentyfive, tgif, threeyearsago, von
"Got home from gym super late; lack of sleep plus body pain as I started my day. Phone wallpaper change: an inspiration since it's ten twenty-five; three years! CDP discussion with my TL was abrupt. Team was complete for the first time. Short reunion with MCL pips somehow made me say TGIF..."
Thursday, October 24, 2013
2013: Page 297 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 11:45 PM | 2013, bheshies, briana, cbts, closefriend, dirtyjokes, firstproject, gym, happykid, icebreaker, ko, lunch, october, pagenof365series, personal, rollinboys, secrets, statusreports, townhall, wendys
"Had an instant close friend in project for sharing a secret to me and a dirty joke to the new roll-ins. Now plotting my CBTs in my status report. Best part of the day: project town hall. Participated in an ice breaker; happy kid for some reason; plus big-time dinner! Gym session with Bheshies, finally..."
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
2013: Page 296 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 10:45 PM | 2013, accenture, almostlate, cdp, comforter, fight, jamie, justgothomeearly, milktea, moneysave, newepisode, october, officemade, oneononetalk, pagenof365series, personal, thewalkingdead, von
"Tried my best to comfort a friend due to yesterday's fight. Arrived home late and almost got late to work because of watching the new TWD episode. Focused on my CDP since my TL wanted to see it for discussion to be scheduled. Office-made milk tea day, too. Money saved for getting home early..."
2013: Page 295 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 12:30 AM | 2013, bheshies, cg1, gym, jamie, joy, meriendatreat, messedup, normalworkday, october, pagenof365series, personal, priority, responsible, riza, rolloninformation, shadowing
"The normal work day feels! Accomplishing roll-in tasks is still my priority. After my merienda treat with two of my batch mates, I had my first KT/shadowing with my team mate. Then went to CG1 for gym session with the Bheshies with an unexpected bad happenings, and I felt responsible for it..."
Monday, October 21, 2013
2013: Page 294 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 11:00 PM | 2013, accenture, adrenalinerush, atesuzette, longwayhome, monday, morningshift, october, pagenof365series, pcnotworking, personal, roamer, supervisormodeon, thingstodo, vanride
"Still coming to work on a morning shift. Supervisor-like mode on: roaming around the office due to my unusable PC for six hours. Then came my adrenaline rush to accomplish some of my delayed tasks-to-do. Coincidentally met my cousin in a van ride and had myself a long way home again..."
Sunday, October 20, 2013
2013: Page 293 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 10:45 PM | 2013, catchup, collarshirtshopping, dinnerdate, familybonding, gm, groceryshopping, homebound, levs, longsleep, nothingtodo, october, pagenof365series, personal, projectmates, textmates, vien, yfl
"Sleep catch-up, day two! Went to grocery with family then visited a youth camp after. Home bound doing nothing; asked my siblings to go out for dinner and join me in shirt shopping since my parents have other plans. Heading home, sent a text to my project mates and had chat with some of them..."
Saturday, October 19, 2013
2013: Page 292 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 10:45 PM | 1025, 2013, boringday, chickenhearted, depressed, dymp, invitation, lessthanaweektogo, longsleep, october, pagenof365series, personal, theoriginals, totaldivas, tvd, tvseriesmarathon, unproductive, whitecollar, worried
"Off-topic: Less than a week to go 'til a special day declared by me in years, and still had a chicken heart to do something; worried much. Weekend again, and I had a lot of time to catch up with TV series again (new addition to watch) and sleep the whole afternoon. Unproductive day, depressed..."
2013: Page 291 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 12:30 AM | 2013, accenture, bestdayyet, daytwo, dinner, issues, karen, lunch, lync, october, pagenof365series, pancakes, participate, paul, peaceoffering, personal, session2, soso, testanalysisschool, touched
"Second-slash-last day of our so-so training. 'Actively' participating in discussions while doing Lync chat with friends. Talked with a buddy about the Tuesday issue; an unexpected peace offering from a friend soften my heart. Lunch-and-dinner reunion with boot camp mates; A best work moment yet..."
Thursday, October 17, 2013
2013: Page 290 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 10:00 PM | 2013, accenture, blessed, boringday, cg2, computer, justgothomeearly, lessfare, lync, october, pagenof365series, personal, session2, sixdays, testanalysisschool, trafficfree
"Back to CG2, baby! Well it's for the training we enrolled during our center bench days which was boring, really. Had a chance to have a computer to use after six days of no Lync conversation with friends. What's good with this day is that it was traffic-free and less fare. Got home early again..."
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
2013: Page 289 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 11:15 PM | 2013, bookworm, estimatormode, firstproject, gameofthrones, gettoknow, longwayhome, newteam, october, pagenof365series, personal, projectmates, riza, teamtasks, traveltime, unproductive, wednesday
"This time, I estimated my travel time during normal weekdays...and it went well. To be honest, today was not really productive in terms of work. Get-to-know chat with project mates and book reading all day! Then spared some time to talk with a team mate about our work tasks. A long way home..."
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
2013: Page 288 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 11:00 PM | 2013, accenture, advice, bheshies, electiveholiday, exchangestuffs, firstproject, lamonmode, meetup, newteam, october, orientation, pagenof365series, personal, projectmates, scihub, workmodeon
"Elective holiday today, still work-bound despite the advice from our project leads...and did nothing other than eating the whole day. Met with my closest friends during idle times to do an exchange. Then had a project orientation the last two hours of our shift. Finally knew my team I belonged to..."
Monday, October 14, 2013
2013: Page 287 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 10:45 PM | 2013, centerbench, cg2, exhausted, expensesoverload, hellomonday, imdead, karen, kfc, october, pagenof365series, personal, productiveday, projectmates, rolloffinformation, scihub
"It's Monday and it gave me an exhausting feeling, really. Paid a visit in the center bench, but failed to accomplish my roll-off tasks. Went to work with friends altogether; had lunch outside to celebrate a friend's birthday. Been productive today I guess compared last time. Expenses plus plus, oh men..."
Sunday, October 13, 2013
2013: Page 286 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 10:00 PM | 2013, asdfghjkl, carproblem, facebook, familybonding, firsttime, groceryshopping, lunch, manila, nuvali, october, pagenof365series, personal, relatives, relax, saunamode, tricyclemode
"As a result of our dead car, we went home via tricycle ride. A first time in many years. Twelve hours later, our family day continued as we went to a relative's house somewhere in Manila to have lunch. Then did grocery shopping after. Request done, no words to express. Time to relax for some sauna..."
2013: Page 285 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 1:00 AM | 2013, bonchon, boscoffee, carproblem, catchup, coffeemode, dinnerdate, familybonding, firsttime, glee, lazyme, longsleep, nightadventure, notsotypical, october, pagenof365series, personal, theoriginals, tvd, unwind
"Laziness strikes me all day! All I did was to catch up with three TV series I'm on and more sleep. The night fell, I insisted to have a not-so-typical night with my family; my treat. Dinner and coffee break, we had time to unwind for a while. First times. This day turned adventurous due to car problems..."
Friday, October 11, 2013
2013: Page 284 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 11:00 PM | 2013, carpool, centerbench, dads, deployed, dinnerdate, firstproject, glorietta, happykid, issuemakers, killtime, laguna, newteam, october, pagenof365series, personal, scihub, session2, soloflight
"First project, new site: Hello SciHub! Laguna pips on car. Did realize we already missed the bench. Lots of talks and issues with fellow deployed friends to kill time. Then learned our designated teams: solo flight me! Met up with bootcamp mates to have our first ever dinner date. Happy kid, indeed..."
Thursday, October 10, 2013
2013: Page 283 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 10:45 PM | 2013, accenture, cg2, dn, forums, justadream, kiss, moments, newcrushes, nonamedropping, october, pagenof365series, personal, relax, sadpy, scihub, session2, sinkin, stiutk, unexpected
"Kiss, kiss, kiss: somebody's getting in my dreams again. Fine ride heading to work today, it's weird. Typical tasks to do again; had a lot of cubicle forums with workmates. And today, I received a DN. Sadpy: hello dream place, goodbye friends. Hard to sink in up to now. Crushes moments, the best..."
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
2013: Page 282 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 9:45 PM | 2013, 21stfloor, accentureshirt, daythree, deadlines, geca, lunch, morninghabit, mrt, notfollowed, october, pagenof365series, personal, rolloninformation, sadpy, separated, session2, statusreports, workplan
"Day three of riding the MRT in the morning, it's being a habit now. Nice having lunch with friends frequently, it's not going to be the same again in the next weeks. Workplan not followed due to my not-plotted tasks and weekly deadlines to accomplish. Getting my ACN shirt at my friend's house..."
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
2013: Page 281 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 10:15 PM | 2013, abitlate, accenture, cbts, deadlines, deveracousins, dinnerdate, dn, exhausted, explorermode, greatday, kapitolyo, mrt, october, pagenof365series, personal, rolloninformation
"Define haggard to start my day: due to unexpected tons of MRT passengers. Finished a lot of CBTs that had deadlines, then started my roll-on tasks. Went to work a bit late to meet up with my cousins for a dinner date. Exploring Manila mode! It was great; I'm hoping for more night outs with them..."
Monday, October 7, 2013
"No bus, I took an MRT for the first time heading to my office. Oh em jee, that freaking long stare! Asdfghjkl! Anyway, first day feels again due to our new joiners' orientation held today...and it was indeed a long day, just a refresher-like event for the five of us; disappointed with our food though..."
Sunday, October 6, 2013
2013: Page 279 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 9:30 PM | 2013, bookworm, cfcffl, dinner, dymp, gameofthrones, groceryshopping, hochailai, homealone, justadream, october, officesetting, pagenof365series, personal, readingmode, restday, stiutk, sunday, sweetmoments
"Me. Somebody. In the office. We're so sweet to each other. Just another dream. Well, Sunday is just a rest day for me since I was at home like almost the whole day; had a chance to be alone. GoT book reading again. Peace. Then went for some grocery shopping and dining with mom's CFC friends..."
2013: Page 278 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 12:45 AM | 2013, chowking, emvimode, glee, happy5friends, homestuff, houseparty, laundry, lipsync, mama, newepisodes, october, pagenof365series, personal, saturdate, soju, theoriginals, tvd
"It's Saturday, and had a Satur-date with the whole morning with Mama by doing laundry, shopping home needs, and eating brunch outside. Spent the afternoon by watching three new TV series aired on a same day. Then tried my effort to be in the Soju Party II. Glee-lip syncing moment, the best..."
Saturday, October 5, 2013
2013: Page 277 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 1:00 AM | 2013, cbts, failed, happy4friends, kick, lunchout, lync, moneyburn, october, pagenof365series, personal, pizzaday, sbarro, session2, shakeys, shopping, smmallofasia, smmegamall, timein, unwind
"I tried to aim a flat-7AM time-in at work but failed. Online CBTs again. Despite the controversial Lync kick, the first lunch out with bootcamp mates still happened. After work, Megamall-bound to unwind and shop alone, then MoA to irritably meet up with closest friends. Pizza day, money burn..."
Thursday, October 3, 2013
2013: Page 276 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 9:30 PM | 2013, accentureshirt, cbts, commonfriend, deadlines, earlybird, irritated, motivation, nonamedropping, october, pagenof365series, personal, statusreports, timein, trackers, twentyfive, workplan
"Arrived at work a bit early than yesterday's...and there's twenty-five in my time-in. Motivated! Tons of deadlines today, almost not followed my workplan schedule but still managed it well. Got mad at one of my colleagues' attitude, so glad I have a common friend. No ACN shirt to wear tomorrow..."
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
2013: Page 275 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 9:30 PM | 2013, accenture, cbts, changes, charliebatch, freewriting, interactions, irritated, lync, midweek, nonamedropping, october, pagenof365series, personal, session2, soso, sponsorship, vea, workplan
"Midweek and my dealing with other people were somehow so-so. Got irritated with my session mate during group chat, controlled myself by doing a free writing. And a chat with batch mates regarding the sponsorship made me see my 'twinny', haha. A CBT for today, change of work plan tomorrow..."
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
2013: Page 274 of 365
Posted by Chris Tabler | 10:15 PM | 2013, aim, bittersweet, cg1, donut, earlybird, family, generousme, hateit, heavytraffic, lunchout, october, pagenof365series, personal, richkid, session2, starbucks, tb, wewillsee, workplan
"Today, I really aimed as much as possible I'm at work before 8am...and I did. Doing my work plan tasks. Lunch at CG1 with session mates and two hours later had a 200-peso worth of snacks. Heavy traffic as I headed back home, hate it. TB was shared to my family. Bittersweet October? Find out..."
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